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Today's Bible Lesson
How to get good things from God
Have you ever been a room full of babies? Infants crying. Crawlers hollering for certain toys. Toddlers pushing and whining to get their way. It can be quite a handful, can't it?
When a bunch of spiritual new believers (babies), get together, it's just about the same way! Of course, there's nothing wrong with being a spiritual baby (a new believer in Jesus Christ) All of us start out that way,
When you were first born into the Kingdom of God, we're much like physical newborns. We're not very strong or well-developed.
We blunder around trying to learn how to operate in our new environment. That's how we all have to begin. But God never meant for us to stay that way.
That's why in 1 Peter 2:2 in the amplified Bible He says
"Like newborn babies you should crave (thirst for, earnestly desire) the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto complete salvation"
He intends for us to grow up! He intends for us to feed on His Word, moving from the milk of the word to the meat of the Word until we grow up into mature sons and daughters of God.
Begin now finding your nourishment in His Word, (reading and studying the Bible),
Enjoy the rewards of Growing up in Him and having a better relationship with Him.
Start receiving all the blessings that God has for them that love and obey Him.
Good health
Better relationships with family, friends,
Financial Prosperity
Serving and helping others
God is good.
He wants to bless you.
The bible says in Matthew 6:33
"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
and all these things
will be added unto you".
I suggest you read the 6th Chapter of Matthew and you will see what "all these things" are.
Here is how to start
1. Read your Bible every day (start with the book of John in the New Testament)
2. Talk to God everyday.
(this is called prayer)
3. Go to a GOOD Bible believing
Church regularly.
Until next time
You can Improve and change your life by
Reading and Studying the Bible Daily
How to get good things from God
Have you ever been a room full of babies? Infants crying. Crawlers hollering for certain toys. Toddlers pushing and whining to get their way. It can be quite a handful, can't it?
When a bunch of spiritual new believers (babies), get together, it's just about the same way! Of course, there's nothing wrong with being a spiritual baby (a new believer in Jesus Christ) All of us start out that way,
When you were first born into the Kingdom of God, we're much like physical newborns. We're not very strong or well-developed.
We blunder around trying to learn how to operate in our new environment. That's how we all have to begin. But God never meant for us to stay that way.
That's why in 1 Peter 2:2 in the amplified Bible He says
"Like newborn babies you should crave (thirst for, earnestly desire) the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto complete salvation"
He intends for us to grow up! He intends for us to feed on His Word, moving from the milk of the word to the meat of the Word until we grow up into mature sons and daughters of God.
Begin now finding your nourishment in His Word, (reading and studying the Bible),
Enjoy the rewards of Growing up in Him and having a better relationship with Him.
Start receiving all the blessings that God has for them that love and obey Him.
Good health
Better relationships with family, friends,
Financial Prosperity
Serving and helping others
God is good.
He wants to bless you.
The bible says in Matthew 6:33
"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
and all these things
will be added unto you".
I suggest you read the 6th Chapter of Matthew and you will see what "all these things" are.
Here is how to start
1. Read your Bible every day (start with the book of John in the New Testament)
2. Talk to God everyday.
(this is called prayer)
3. Go to a GOOD Bible believing
Church regularly.
Until next time
You can Improve and change your life by
Reading and Studying the Bible Daily
Until next time:
Remember God loves you and is
your new best friend, helper and companion forever
Remember God loves you and is
your new best friend, helper and companion forever
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more countries of the world. We currently are in over 32 countries and have many thousands of regular viewers learning more about about the Word of God which is able to change their lives